
Human Resource Training

Operation workouts

In order to supplement the theoretical knowledge with practical inputs, regular HR Training exposure is required and this is given due importance at PINNACLE. Students are given training known as “operation workouts” which help them to get practical knowledge of theoretical aspects.

Unlike traditional lecture-based teaching where student participation in the classroom is minimal, the case method is an active learning method, which requires participation and involvement from the student in the classroom. For students who have been exposed only to the traditional teaching methods, this calls for a major change in their approach to learning. The team of PINNACLE is continuously engaged in case study discussions as well as in encouraging students to develop such cases. The methodology adopted at PINNACLE is illustrated below.

Teacher and Student Roles in a Regular Classes

body table { font-size: 16px; color: #000; border:solid; }
When Teacher Student or Participant
Before Class Assign case and often readings Receives case and assignment
  Prepares for class Prepares individually
  May consult colleagues Discusses case in small group
During Class Deals with readings Raises Questions Regarding readings
  Leads case discussion Participates in discussion
After Class Evaluates and records student participation Compares personal analysis with colleagues’ analysis.
  Evaluates materials and updates teaching note Reviews Class discussion for major concepts learned

Manpower planning Performance appraisal and feedback Training, education and development Potential appraisal and promotion Career development and planning Compensation and reward O.D. Techniques Role analysis and role development Quality of work life and welfare Participative devises Communication Counseling Grievance redressed Data storage and research Industrial relation

Manpower planning is the sheet anchor of all HRD efforts. It is concerned with the following:

Assessment of manpower needs, including forecasting such needs on the analysis of the policies of the company, trends of its development, plans for diversification, etc.

Manpower audit, i.e., examining whether manpower strength for various jobs is inadequate or more than what should be employed. Both understaffing and overstaffing may be highly demotivating in the company. Thus, manpower planning is linked with corporate plans and strategies on one hand and the job analysis on the other.

It is a very critical HRD mechanism under which the employee himself in collaboration periodically appraises the performance of an employee with his/her boss. In the light of the difficulties faced by the employee he/she redefines his/her future goals.

The mechanism emphasizes the development of the employees (by identifying their growth needs) rather than their evaluation. Open, objective and participative appraisal and feedback develop better superior-subordinate relations. During the interview the superior shares the concerns of the subordinate and even guides him to achieve his target.

There are 3 different HRD mechanisms with different focus and purpose.

It is another important HRD mechanism, which is concerned with identifying the potential of an employee for future development and promotion in the company.

It focuses on finding out periodically the extent to which a given individual possesses the critical attributes required to handle higher-level responsibilities.

Thus, it is linked with job and role analysis. In HRD promotion is not considered to be a reward. This is because it is not based on performance but it is based on the potential of an employee.

It may be useful to help new employees become aware of the various phases of development in the company, and plan with seniors their specific career path. In the HRD system, corporate growth plans are not kept secrete. They are made known to plan their career.

These are common positive reinforcers. They should be clearly related to the performance and behavior of employee. Failure to reward properly or over rewarding undeserving employees reduces the reinforcing effect of rewards. Under HRD while salary structure is based on job analysis, salary increase is linked with performance

Many organizations make use of several O.D. techniques for the development of their human resource. These include team-building, organizational mirroring-group etc. In team building people learn how to work in collaboration with each other.

Under organizational mirroring, the host group gets feedback from representative from several other organizational groups about how it is perceived and regarded. The intervention is designed to improve the relationships between groups and increase the inter-group effectiveness.

In T-group participants learn competent in inter-personal relationships. They learn about themselves, how others react to their behaviors and about the dynamics of group formation, group norms and group growth.

This is an extremely important technique of HRD. Under it the job of an individual in the organization is analyzed and enriched in terms of his role and not in terms of his job. He, his immediate superior and subordinate sit together to discuss their expectations about the job from each other.

For overall development of workers, only good wages are not enough. They also need to be provided with good physical conditions and motivating work. If the work is monotonous or boring it must be redesigned. Several Indian organizations are taking initiative in improving quality of work life of workers. In HRD system there is always a focus on employee welfare and quality of work life.

This process is fundamental to all aspects of life and is vital to the function of integration. Real communication takes place when the listener truly hears and understands the position and intent of the speaker.

It is an important HRD mechanism to provide timely guidance to workers on problems relating to hand and heart. Now many Indian Organizations are employing trained counselors for this purpose.

A grievance redressal procedure is vital to all organizations- big or small. The mere fact that an employee has access to a judicial type of justice is satisfying even though he never has the occasion to use it.

This is also a very important HRD mechanism. It is very essential to preserve systematic information about every employee on various topics such as the employee’s personal characteristics, performance-potential, promotions, salary etc., so that this may be used for counseling, career planning, training, promotions etc. Moreover this information also serves as a base for research on employee problems.

Last but not the least important subsystem of HRD is Industrial Relations. Good Industrial Relations based on mutual trust and goodwill make the execution of HRD programmes easy. Poor Industrial relations based on mutual distrust and fears make execution difficult.

Historically, unions in our country have been playing the role of agitators and bargainers. The thrust of their activities has been towards the economic well being of the workers. In HRD unions are encouraged to make a thrust towards the psychological and social well being of workers. Some important areas in which they are asked to participate are:

Communication Counseling Education and Training Welfare Family and Vocational Guidance Research

Participative Devices

Following are some of the important participative devices :

  • Bi-partite meetings : (Between management and workers) To arrive at settlements concerning worker’s wages and service conditions. To review the working of existing settlements and examine their impact on work place discipline, work ethics, customer service etc.
  • Information sharing : To share the information about the business profitability, performance of the company, competition, marketing etc.
  • Joint surveys : Management and union to undertake joint surveys on the state of morale, motivation, grievance of workers, and jointly plan to tackle these problems.
  • Task forces : To undertake study of problems like ‘ABSENTEEISM’, ‘INDISCIPLINE’, ETC., and suggest ways to solve the problem.
  • Collaborative projects : To undertake certain projects, i.e. a project on employee welfare or worker’s education.
  • Quality Circle : To involve workers at the grass root level for periodically discussing work-related problems. Quality Circles are small group of employees, which are formed voluntarily. They work on simple premise that the people who do a job everyday know more about it than any one else, particularly when quality or productivity is involved.

Personality Development

To assist students fit in the global corporate culture, the PINNACLE lays special emphasis on personality grooming through presentations, public speaking, mock interviews, aptitude tests and industry interactions. This helps the students to develop a capacity for analysis and judgment, ability to relate to managerial problems and draw upon their own resources for better understanding and meaningful action. Students, therefore, are groomed to join the industry not as a mere job earner, but to influence its practices, and in the long run become an active participant in reshaping the nation’s destiny. To facilitate the process, PINNACLE provides for a mentoring programme and also organizes a range of activities throughout the year under its various cells and clubs.

The teaching methodology has been designed keeping in mind real life happenings and includes, apart from conceptual lectures, learning through case studies, group discussions and debates, seminars, business games, simulation exercises, field and industrial visits, sectoral studies, entrepreneurship and business projects. Needless to state that high quality facilities in the Library and Computer Labs will always support the learning experience provided at PINNACLE. Advance preparation by the students as well as active participation is required to further enrich the unique learning process.

PINNACLE gives imperative priority to the placement of its students. PINNACLE does extensive research on the recruiting process of numerous companies to guide its students to their preferred jobs in their areas of specialty. The dedicated Placement Cell at PINNACLE coordinates the placement activities and also acts as liaison between the company and the student. The Cell takes care of corresponding with the prospective employers, arranging preplacement talks, campus interviews and providing other facilities that may be required by visiting organizations. Personalized counseling, communication, training, resume writing and mock interviews inculcate skills that help students bag the best jobs in the market.